Basic fundamental Of JavaScript

Md Rashedi Hasan Rimon
2 min readMay 8, 2021

Today we will discuss the basic fundamentals of javascript. Every program depends on its value. There are different types of value. Some are numbers, some are characters or strings. But all of these are primitive values. We can not change them.

Anther types of values are objects and functions. These types of values are not primitive values. We can manipulate it as our need. Using function we solve our problems, and obj is a data type that stores data that we use in the function.

Sometimes we feel confused about which type of data is it? To check the type of particular data we can use typeOf() method. It returns us the exact type of data.

Always our code could not be right at first proceed. There may be some errors, it could be typing, syntax, functional, conditional, etc. To be sure about our code is ready to execute we can use the try & catch process. There are two-part to this process. The first block is try where we write the core code which we want to execute. And the second block is catch which catches the error if there any error.

It is not the finishing to complete our code properly but it is necessary that all our users can access our website or web application fluently. To check our program works overall browser is known as Cross-browser testing. It is your responsibility to make sure that not only do your projects work, but they work for all your users, no matter what browser, device, or additional assistive tools they are using.

There are many reasons for occurring cross-browser issue. Our users not only use a single and common browser but also use different sizes of devices. Some are use chrome, some are Mozilla firefox, Some use a browser on a laptop or tablet, or mobile. The size of the device affects the design of our web project. That’s why we need to make sure that our project is must be responsive on all devices and all users from all devices can access it properly.

Another problem could happen that, some features are maybe not suitable for all the browsers. So we also need to focus on that which features we used in our project it must work on all browsers. As a developer, we all need to practice the good coding style and while coding we need to remember these things. “Happy Coding”



Md Rashedi Hasan Rimon

Hi! I like to write poems, stories and technological content